Logs and Kindling
Firewood and Kindling for sale on The Isle of Wight
Kiln Dried Birch Ash and also premium hard wood Seasoned logs For Sale On The Isle of Wight
Welcome to Our firewood Logs We offer two kinds of fire wood logs making Ordering easy. Isle of Wight kiln dried logs and kiln dried logs on the Isle Of Wight, Birch Kiln Dried Logs sold on the Isle of Wight and Seasoned Hardwood Logs sold on the Isle of Wight.
Delivered in a lightweight truck fitted with a Hiab Crane (no tipping out on your driveway loose) you keep the bag until you next order, ideal for Driveways, over walls fences etc.
Advantages buying from us.
- Logs are delivered in bulk bags
- No mess not tipped out of your driveway or lawn
- No staking charge
- Friendly services
- Pay either Card online or on delivery, Bank Transfer, or Cash or cheque.
- Kindling sold
- Free delivery
- Wood sure Approved seller.
- Order our premium hard wood
- Our wood is stored in the dry until sold
- All wood can be moisture tested on delivery.
Visit our new website for easy ordering click on the links below.
Pay online when ordering, quick easy and fast service.
Click below to order isle of wight kiln dried logs
Click below to order premium hard wood logs
Pay online when ordering, quick easy and fast secure service.
Click below to order online Hardwood Seasoned Logs
Pay online when ordering, quick easy and fast service.
- Large Builders Bag Bulk Bag
- £145.00 Per Bulk Bag Limited Stocks large bulk bags
- £145.00 Mixed Bag of Seasoned and Kiln Dried Logs
- £115.00 Seasoned Hard Wood Logs Large bulk bags
- All Logs are kept Inside a Barn
- All logs are in Bulk Bags no tipping or loose loads
- Order and pay online Click here
- Customer Approved Log Seller
- Less Moister Between 15% – 20%or Less
- Isle of wight kiln dried logs for sale
- Ideal for Pizza ovens, Fire Pits, Chimneys, BBQ.
- 25cm In Length 8 inch
- Best Fuel To Burn Customers Reviews https://www.isleofwightgardeningservices.co.uk/index.php/testimonials/
- We are the biggest stockist of Kiln dried logs on the isle of wight both bulk bags and Net bags
- Ideal for pizza ovens (trade discounts given) Fire pits chimneys Log burners stoves open fires
- Prompt Deliver no Lead time same day delivery as ordering.
- Hiab Delivery (No Tipping out on your drive way) you keep the bag and Empty at your leisure until your next delivery
- Delivered in a lightweight transit fitted with a Hiab Crane (no tipping out on your driveway loose or charging you a stacking Fee) you keep the bag until your next order
- We have invested into a greener way of selling logs which meets The New Government Legislation for supplying you clean Low moisture fire wood Fuel for your Home (New Law comes into Effect February 2021)
- £145.00 Ash Kiln Dried Logs sold on the Isle of Wight
- £145.00 Per Bulk Builder size Kiln Bulk Bag
- Now £115.00 Seasoned Hard Wood Logs Bulk Bag
Fed up buying in Wet Damp Wood, then buy from us today 100% Satisfaction guaranteed, Change your supplier today. Discounts on repeat Orders. Birch Kiln dried Burns Hotter for longer!
Kiln-dried logs are the best fuel to burn in your wood burning stove, Open fires, Wood Burners because they contain less moisture than green or seasoned logs. This means that they produce more heat and burn for longer making them more economical than other types of firewood. Kiln-dried logs will heat your room faster, burn with a brighter flame and produce less smoke than seasoned or green logs helping to minimise the build-up of harmful deposits on your chimney or lining system.
Click link below to order online from our new website
(Kiln Dried Birch Hard Wood Logs £145.00 Per bulk Bags)
(Kiln Dried Logs Extra Large Net Bags each £10.00 Per Netted bag sold on the Isle of Wight 30 litre Free Delivery when 10+ ordered)
(Kindling Wood £5.00 Large Nett)
kiln dried logs ready for delivery.Lowest Prices
Open As Usual we run a Zero contact delivery service. Payment via bank transfer or payment or Payment by Debit or Credit Card. upon delivery please stay in your house Thank you.
To place your orders Please call 01983 882879 or email this link mailto:info@isleofwightgardeningservices.co.uk
with your requirements and full delivery instructions.
Click Below to order online from our new Website
- Kiln Dried Birch Hard Wood Logs £145.00 Burn Hotter for longer (Better value)
- Mixed Kiln and seasoned hard wood (New for 2023)
- Premium Seasoned hard Wood logs £115.00
- Hard wood logs Ash Oak Beech good quality mixed logs
- Barn Stored Dried logs
- Order and pay for full season of logs and have them delivered later in the year
- Kiln Dried Extra Large Net Bags 30 litres typically 13 logs per net Vented net bags,
- Kindling £7.00 large net bags
- Stacking available Charged (For free)
- Free Delivery Included in the price
- All our wood is barn dried and Seasoned.
- low moisture content Typically between15% – 20%.
- Hiab crane Delivery builders bag size bags
- Bespoke Sizes Cut (On Request)
- In stock ready for delivery
- Hiab Delivery (No Tipping out loose logs on your drive way no Mess) you keep the bag and Empty at your leisure until your next delivery.
- No tipping so you know the quantity your getting delivered
- Dry seasoned Isle of Wight hardwood logs
- Ordering Call us on 01983 882879(if no answer leave a message) Or email to place your order :info@isleofwightgardeningservices.co.uk
- Payment methods. Cash Credit Debit card payments. Bank Transfer.
Click this link to order from our new website
Hard Wood Logs Barn Dried Seasoned For Sale
On the Isle of Wight
Click Below to Order Online from our new Website
Extra large Net bags £15.00 45 litres (Free Delivery on 10 plus Net Bags) Ideal for awkward areas flats , front door access only, with no on street parking buy our seasoned net bags. for our Hiab crane delivery service Call to order: 07967 020489
Barn dried logs are great logs to burn, but with The New Government Legislation Kiln dried logs are the way to go
they are far better logs burn twice as long and are a cleaner fuel and better for our Environment and the planet.
Bulk Bag 145.00 (Limited Amount Left) Mixed Hard Wood logs (Free Delivery Included) Call to order: 07967 020489
Delivered in a lightweight truck fitted with a Hiab Crane (no tipping out on your driveway loose) you keep the bag until you next order, ideal for Drive ways, over walls fences etc.
Ordering Call us on 01983 882879(if no answer leave a message) Or Click here to order by email.
Kiln dried logs Isle Of Wight. Seasoned Logs IOW
Free Deliveries included 7 days a week

Log Burner

Net bags of logs ready to deliver

Mixed Hard Wood Seasoned Logs best seller

kiln dried logs ready for delivery. Lowest Prices
We also do tree work and hedge cutting Please click on the link below for more information.